September 13, 2009

Just a blogger today!

Ok Ladies when I started my blog it was just to keep my followers up with what specials Stampin Up had going, Classes, and Camps I am running and showing all the great swaps I get , ideas I have come up etc.
Well today with my desktop apart . so I can't scan any of those great ideas I decided to BLOG!

Tomorrow ( after 28+ years) I actually start a new job!
I was laid off from my 28+ year job.... It was such a hard day, not only was I laid off but the plant was closing which means 700 people lost their jobs. I know I am not the only one that this has happened to unfortunately it is happening to alot of people these days.
As hard as it has been and the fact that it was so surreal for weeks, I decided I could look at it 2 ways ...Negitive... or Positive

I read a great book called:
The Traveler's Gift (7 Decisions that Determine Personal Success) By Andy Andrews
which my hubby bought for me so I could remember ALL I DO HAVE!

I had 10 weeks off in the summer which I haven't had since High School!
I got more time to spend with family and friends
using our pool and enjoying boat rides on the Hudson River on our friends new boat
This was great because I forgot how beautiful the Hudson Valley really is!
I was going to get alot done around the house too...well I got some things done around the house LOL
I was able to spend more time STAMPING and SCRAPBOOKING!

And as it happened I got a job at a new company and I start tomorrow!
I remember thinking after sending out and applying for over 40 positions
When I got the interview...What are the chances of getting a job after the 1st interview
so instead I thought of it as the 1st stepping stone and tried to learn from it after all I had not been on an interview in over 29 years!
Well as it turned out after my 2nd interview with the company I did get the job and I was on cloud 9!

When the dust settled I realized its a whole new start..
new company, new position, new people and although it scarey its also very exciting!
SO here it goes! Tomorrow is the big day!

Take from this what you will but if you are sitting on the fence and wondering if you should join Stampin Up
My advise is GO FOR it
and Think Positive!! Change is usually good and you can always learn something from it!

Have a great day!

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