Happy St Patrick's Day !
I am 1/2 Irish on My Dad's side
he ran the Irish American Association for over 45 years until
he passed a way 2 years ago.
Growing up we got to ride in Green Caddy's for parades and took Irish dancing lessons (which at the time I hated and now I am so glad we did!... I can still do a mean Irish Jig! )
As I got older we all helped serving Corned Beef and caggage dinners to over 200 people every St Paddy's day it was a family affair and we ALL helped out
What I wouldn't give to be doing that again today!
We still celebrate in his honor and I would like to Dedicate this Irish Blessing to my Dad
and all of you MY STAMPING FRIENDS!
May the roads rise to meet you,
May the winds be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields
Until we meet again
May god hold you in the hollow if his hand!
May the Luck of the Irish be with you today and always!
(card was a swap card done by Kelly Pratt )
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